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Kid's language skills and speech: How to develop it?

Feb 16, 2016
Education , Parenthood







Kid’s language skills and speech matter!!

The first few years of a child’s life are key to the development of speech, language and cognitive skills. For this reason it is important to create an environment that helps to develop speech and language skills that give them all the stimulation, positive role modelling and human contact that they need. For a normally developing child, learning is easy and creating opportunities for learning is also not difficult. Through play, simple daily interactions and experiences, parents or teachers can help the child acquire  language skills.There are some activities to improve and develop your child’s speech and language skills.

1.Be a good model – will help Kid’s language skills

It’s start with you first! speak clearly and slowly and face your child when speaking. If your child says a word or sentence incorrectly, rather than correct them or ask them to repeat it, just say the word / sentence back to them correctly to show you have understood. This way your child always hears the correct version. This is how children learn language.Remember your language level,do not use a word or sentence that your child may not be able to undertand it’s essential for every child to capture and understand the words.

2. Give time to your child. 

Make time with your child.It’s essential to have a communication about a topic that they like or they want to talk about.Spend some times with them away from distraction,and try to look some tv show or read books and talk about pictures,observe and comments and pay attenton to their vocabulary.

3. Let your child lead.

By letting your child be the boss or a leader when you are playing with him/her, you will build their self confidence and also avoid to put pressure on them.Evidence shows that children who have self esteem and confidence tend to develop skills quickly .

4. Make every opportunity be a language activities.

Point to things, name them, sing a nursery rhyme, or ask a question. You don’t have to set aside a specific time of day to learn language, every activity is a language learning activity.

5. Communications temptations – Kid’s language skills

Often by tempting your child with something motivating you can elicit some speech or a vocalization. For instance, holding onto the biscuit tin, but not opening it until he vocalizes a request, or only blowing bubbles when you get a vocalization from the child. In the early stages the child does not have to use the correct words or sentences, but just vocalize or make an approximation of the word. We want the child to learn that he can use his voice as a tool to initiate and request.

6.The environment.

The environment in which your child learns also has an impact on how they learn. Try and reduce distractions and background noise .
A busy household with lots of children will be noisy, but allows lots of play opportunities for the young child. However, sometimes you cannot beat some adult time, and if you get half an hour to have some one-to-one quality time with your  child then make the most of it.


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