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Homeschooling for working parents: Tips, Resources [Newest]

Sep 11, 2019
Education , Parenthood

How do I homeschool my child if I work full time? How do you homeschool when both parents work? How do you manage homeschooling and working? So many questions are there but much less resources to answer that …

In fact, if you and your spouse both work full-time outside the home, you may think that home schooling is completely unfounded. 

We cannot tell you how many times we have been told that homeschooling for working parents is not possible. Usually, we hear those words when I finish my day’s chores and prepare to go home and study at home. Let we assure you that it can be done! 

So roll up your sleeves and learn how to make this lifestyle right for you. I’ll share 6 practical tips to get started and you will learn more about the lives of full-time working mothers teaching their kids to be successful at home!

Over the years, the trends have changed, with parents opting for public school or private school for their kids. Some parents elect home-schooling, so here are many useful how to homeschool and work tips for them. 

1. Academic structure tailor-made for children

Unlike in a school where the curriculum is compartmentalised, with each subject being limited to the material provided. By assessing their kid’s strengths and weaknesses, parents can customize the curriculum and tailor their teaching style to maximise learning and make it more engaging. With the demand for quality education rising, a modern and interactive approach has resulted in an increase in the adoption of game-based learning. Parents can even make use of fun learning games for 7 year old kids to build their children’s Math and English skills. 

Technology can save real time if you have a shared electronic home calendar, including business hours when parents are at home.

For those children who have an interest in sports, SKIDOS Bike Racing and Street Soccer are great for learning and playing. These games feature a number of cool math and english puzzles that help improve math skills like counting and other math operations. Don’t worry, for children who love cakes, SKIDOS Bakery is a learning game where children can enjoy baking with cool characters as well as improve math and reading skills. In fact, if you and your spouse both work full-time outside the home, you may think that home schooling is completely unfounded.

homeschooling for busy working






 2. Set daily expectations and time allocation. 

Many families do homeschooling for working parents find it necessary to have specific time for work compared to activities at home. By planning their schedules, sometimes on a daily basis, they can manage expectations and minimize conflicts. 

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You will need to review both your work schedule and your spouse’s schedule before planning to study at home.

On the days your husband is off, I find it best to arrange it as one of our days off as it distracts your kids because they want to spend time with dad. Another option is to have your spouse attend a home school day or take the kids on a tour together!


Time Management for the Working Homeschool Parent






3. Better student to teacher ratio

Since home-schooling allows for a one-to-one interaction between the teacher and the student, chances are that learning process is more effective. Also, the amount of dedication by the teacher is higher so they can ensure that the children can grasp one concept before moving on to the other.

Parents are intimately involved and can understand their children’s experiences and background, so they can use this to structure the curriculum and gather teaching material.  SKIDOS games ensure a balance between engaging game play and measurable learning outcomes. They have been creating more than 40+ educational games for kids that replace advertisements in between games with customised learning content.

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Homeschooling for Working Full Time moms, dads

4. More emotional and mental freedom

Homeschooling for working parents lifts a lot of stress from the children’s shoulder since there is no need to try to fit in and give into social or peer pressure.  

Even the parents can focus on what needs to be taught and how they can help them learn in an engaging way. There are loads of opportunities for unexpected field trips, museum visits, fertilizing food in a garden or gathering in the parks. Children, on the other hand, are involved in the learning process and instead of focusing on getting better grades, they study because they want to gain knowledge.

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We can agree that learning takes place even outside the four walls of a school, which is why home-schooling is one great method to impart education. Over the past few years, home-schooling has proven to work wonders for parents and children, provided they spend considerable time and effort into it.

How do you homeschool when both parents work

5. Find suitable time for mothers (and/or fathers) who are working from home. 

A related tip is to ask any questions that arise during the day during times unrelated to business hours. It’s easy to visit someone just because they’re home, instead of waiting for them to leave work. 

Likewise, working parents need to treat such a “school day”… not to interrupt an algebra session just because it is their recess. A home school family whose father is a software engineer. 

They found that the best schedule was for him to work mainly at night when the kids were asleep. With this setup, he still has time to have lunch with his family … win-win.

homeschooling schedule for working parents

6. Let your child know the rules ahead of time.

If your child needs to be quiet during work hours, explain this without annoying them. Some families use signs, such as “call” hanging on their doorstep while their parents are talking to customers over loudspeakers.

A father at school brings headphones into his home office so that indoor noise won’t interfere with his calls. His children were trained to slide their “dad’s ticket” under the door for a break whenever he could go out.

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