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8 Short Christmas Stories for Children 🔔 [Special Selected]

Nov 10, 2020
Kids Activities , SKIDOS

We strongly believe that it is extremely important that young children have the opportunity to have imagination skills. One of the reasons we strongly promote this is because the way to develop imagination and creative thinking is through great Christmas stories for children.

Christmas stories for Children

Creativity and imagination are high level skills in the brain. It is important that we provide opportunities for all of our children to develop these skills. Think where we would be without people with the ability to imagine new possibilities. Therefore, in this Christmas SKIDOS will give you the best hand-picked classic Christmas stories for children to enjoy in  the night before Christmas Eve!

The story of the birth of Jesus – Classic Christmas Stories for Kids

Christmas is the perfect occasion to tell the story of Jesus’ birth. This is the story. A young woman named Mary lives in a town called Nazareth and is engaged to a man named Joseph. One night, God sent an angel named Gabriel to visit Mary. The angel told Mary: “God is very pleased with you and you will soon become pregnant and have a baby boy. Name him Jesus because he will be God’s own son. “Mary is scared but believes in God and believes everything will be fine. The angel tells Mary to live with her cousin Elizabeth and her husband Zachariah as they will soon become the parents of a child that will pave the way for Jesus Mary lived with her cousin for three months and then returned to Nazareth.

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Meanwhile, Joseph is worried about Mary giving birth before they get married, but an angel appears in his dream and tells him that Mary will give birth to a Son of God. He also told him not to fear and to make Mary his legal wife. Jesus Christ means that the Savior and the baby will truly be a savior for His people. Joseph wakes up from his dream and the next day Joseph and Mary get married.

Classic Christmas Stories for Kids Children Student

Some time later, Joseph and Mary had to travel to Bethlehem, a long way from Nazareth. Mary’s babies are about to be born and so they are very slow. When they arrived in Bethlehem, they had no room to live in because all the inns and rooms were occupied. The couple was in the barn, a goat and a horse, and on the very night Jesus was born. Jesus is placed in a manger (feeding place) after birth and wrapped in a cloth.

On the outskirts of Bethlehem, their shepherds saw an angel appear before them. The angel said to them: “Your messiah was born in Bethlehem today. He is lying in the manger ”. When the shepherds ran back to find Joseph, Mary, and Jesus in the barn, they were surprised and happy.

At the time of Jesus’ birth, a new bright star appeared in the sky. There were three wise men in a distant country who knew that Jesus’ appearance was a sign of the arrival of a great king and they rushed to find him. King Herod heard that the wise men were looking for the great new king, whom he knew would replace him. King Herod planned to kill the baby, but no one knew about it yet.

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The three sages follow the shining star until they reach the barn, where the family is happy. They bathed Him with gifts and worshiped the Son of God. They also knew that the king was wicked and therefore did not inform him of the location where the child Jesus was located. Joseph was warned by an angel in his dream that Herod would seek Jesus to kill him, so they’d better go to Egypt. This is where they lived until the demon king’s death. Because Jesus cannot be found, Herod has ordered the killing of all the children in Bethlehem.

Classic Christmas Stories for children – The story of the birth of Jesus

Santa Christmas stories for children kids students

Santa does NOT forget – Blessed Bedtime Christmas Stories for children

This story is about a boy who lives with his father and mother. He’s kind and obedient and shares all of his toys with his friends. However, he made a mistake: he always forgot to do odd jobs and other important jobs he was asked to do. Every time he is asked to do something and then asked, he has an answer, “I forgot.” If he was sent to the tailor to remind him of an urgent change, he would forget to tell the tailor about it. If he were given money to pay for electricity, his mother would find the money and bills in his pocket that very night. The reason for not doing a specific job remains the same. You guessed it right – “I forgot.”

Parents worry that this forgetful habit will affect the boy’s adult life, making it difficult for him. They decide to do something about it to make him remember everything. Christmas is coming, and like the other children, the boy is busy preparing the bill for Santa Claus, asking for his favorite items. His mother said, “Santa might forget to bring those for you.” But the boy is sure that Santa Claus will look like he will put them in his socks so he will leave the list.
On Christmas morning, he woke up early and hurriedly checked his socks, pretty sure Santa would deliver all he wanted. His mother knew what was going to happen and stayed away from him. The boy stood in front of his mother with a long list of all the jobs he had been asked to do during the past year. At the bottom of the list, bold text is written, “I FORGET”.

The boy was heartbroken and dragged himself to visit his grandfather with the rest of the family. On his grandfather’s Christmas tree, the boy finds everything he has always wanted! Even though he doesn’t change immediately, his mom still reminds him when things are out of hand – “Santa don’t forget!” He slowly understood why it was so important to remember one’s duties and responsibilities in life.

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We hope you enjoy this Santa does NOT forget – Blessed Bedtime Xmas Stories for Your Children!

Bedtime Christmas story for kids

The Gift of the Magi

The Gift of the Magi’ is an American writer ‘O. Henry’, which become one of the famous Christmas stories for Children. Henry ‘, first published in 1905. This story is about a young couple, Jim and Della, poor but very loving. It’s Christmas time and Della wants to buy a nice Christmas present for her husband – however, she has very little money. One of Della’s treasured assets is her beautiful layered hair – but since she didn’t have enough savings to buy Jim’s Christmas presents, she cut and sold her hair for $ 20 and buy it. Perfect gift for Jim. Jim also sells his grandfather’s precious gold pocket watch – something he holds firmly on his lap – to buy a present for her.

When he returned home, Jim was dumbfounded when he found Della’s new hairstyle. Della bought a watch strap for Jim’s favorite pocket watch, and he bought precious hair combs for her long hair. When they receive gifts, they realize they are no longer helpful to them. The two sold their precious possessions to make each other happy, showing their love for each other. They sit together for dinner but are not angry. The story ends there, but the narrator compares the gifts Jim and Della gave each other with the gifts of the witches in the Bible. This story is about the personal sacrifices people make to their loved ones.

Blessed Bedtime Christmas Stories for Children – The Gift of the Magi

Short Christmas stories for Kids

‘The Polar Express’

The Polar Express’ is a children’s book written by Chris Van Allsburg. This story is considered a classic Christmas story for children. The story begins on Christmas Eve-. A young boy wakes up in the middle of the night because the train is waiting for him outside his house. He got on the train and was surprised to see other kids on board. The train takes them to the North Pole, where they see Christmas elves and meet Santa Claus. The boy gets his first Christmas gift from Santa Claus. He can choose whatever he wants – the boy requests a bell from one of the reindeer’s harnesses.

When he returned home, the train ran away, but his bell was lost. The next morning at Christmas, his sister found a small gift for him under a tree. When he opened the gift, he saw that it was the bell that Santa Claus gave. When the bell rang, the boy and sister heard its sound, but not his parents. As the years passed, the boy grew. The boy remembers that for years, his sister and everyone else stopped hearing the bell, but he didn’t, and that was just because his belief in the miracle of Christmas was the same.

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We hope you and your kids enjoy The Polar Express – one of the best Xmas stories for children!

Christmas story for students

Susy’s Christmas Present

“Tell us a story, nursie; please do”, begged two little golden-haired girls, as they snuggled on the soft rug before the fire. “Did you ever have just what you wished for at Christmas, when you were a little girl?”

“Yes, I did once. I was the oldest, and had two brothers and three little sisters. We did not have a beautiful home like this. We lived in a little cottage. It was pretty, though, in the summer time, when the roses and pinks were in bloom. My father was dead, and mother worked for the rich people around the village. There was plenty to do about holiday times.

“It was the day before Christmas. Mother was at the house of a very rich and kind lady. She was going to have a grand party in the evening.

“Mother told me, when she went away, to mind the children, and perhaps I might have a nice Christmas present. I knew we should have plenty of candy and cake, and other nice things, from Mrs. Reid’s. We often had pretty clothes, too, that Mamie and Robbie Reid had outgrown.

“I had been wishing for a muff; but I knew Mother could not afford to buy me one. It was hard enough even to get shoes for us all. I thought I should have to be satisfied with mittens.

“It was quite dark, and we all sat around the fire. I had rocked Tilly to sleep and put her to bed. Willie and Joe were playing cat’s-cradle. The rest of us were making believe we were rich and could have all we wanted for Christmas.

“All at once there was a heavy step on the porch, and a knock at the door. I opened it, with Margie and Amy clinging to my dress. A boy shoved a big box into the room and shouted, ‘A merry Christmas to you!’ He then ran out at the gate.

“The box had all our names on the cover, and the children were wild to see what was inside.

“‘Wait till mother comes,’ I said; and pretty soon we heard her at the gate, She seemed surprised, and said Santa Claus had remembered us early.

“Mother advised us to go to bed and wait until morning to see our presents. It was pretty hard; but we had some oranges and candy, and I put the boys to bed. Margie and I wondered and guessed what was in the box; but at last we fell asleep.

“You may be sure we were up early in the morning. There were dolls and toys for the little ones, with hoods and mittens, and for me a lovely squirrel muff, lined with blue, with a soft little boa for my neck. I was a happy girl that Christmas, I can tell you.

“And now, my dears, you must go to bed, or Santa Claus will not be able to find your stockings.”

“Oh! I hope I shall have what I want tomorrow!” said Gracie.

“And I, too,” echoed Helen. “And your story was very nice, nursie.”

“Good-night, and call us early in the morning.”

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Christmas Stories for Children – Susy’s Christmas Present

Great Christmas stories for children

A Turkey For One – Written by Lavinia S. Goodwin

Lura’s Uncle Roy is in Japan. He used to take Christmas dinner at Lura’s home. Now he could only write her papa to say a box of gifts had been sent, and one was for his little girl.

The little girl clapped her hands, crying, “Oh, mamma! don’t you think it is the chain and locket dear uncle said he would sometime give me?”

“No,” replied her papa, reading on. “Your uncle says it is a turkey for one.”

“But we do not need turkeys from Japan,” remarked the little daughter, soberly.

Her papa smiled, and handed the open letter to her mamma. “Read it aloud, every bit,” begged Lura, seeing her mamma was smiling, too.

But her mamma folded the letter and said nothing.

On Christmas eve the box, which had just arrived, was opened, and every one in the house was made glad with a present. Lura’s was a papier-mache turkey, nearly as large as the one brought home at the same time by the market-boy.
Next morning, while the fowl in the kitchen was being roasted, Lura placed hers before a window and watched people admire it as they passed. All its imitation feathers, and even more its red wattles, seemed to wish every man and woman, boy and girl, a Merry Christmas.

Lura had not spoken of the jewelry since her uncle’s letter was read. It is not nice for one who receives a gift to wish it was different. Lura was not that kind of a child.

When dinner was nearly over, her papa said to her, “My dear, you have had as much of my turkey as you wanted; if you please, I will now try some of yours.”

“Mine is what Uncle Roy calls a turkey for one,” laughed Lura. She turned in her chair towards where her bird had been strutting on the window-sill, and added, in surprise, “Why, what has become of him?”

At that moment the servant brought in a huge platter. When room had been made for it on the table it was set down in front of Lura’s papa, and on the dish was her turkey.

“Oh, what fun!” gayly exclaimed the child. “Did uncle tell you to pretend to serve it?”
“I have not finished what he directs me to do,” her papa said, with a flourish of the carving-knife.

“But, papa—oh, please!” Her hand was on his arm. “You would not spoil my beautiful bird from Japan!

A hidden spring was touched with the point of the knife. The breast opened, and disclosed the fowl filled with choice toys and other things. The first taken out was a tiny box; inside was a gold chain and locket; the locket held Uncle Roy’s picture.

It was a turkey for one, for only Uncle Roy’s niece. But all the family shared the amusement.

This is a cute Christmas Stories for Children Lavinia S. Goodwin, we hope your child enjoyed it! And have a goodnight!



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