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Apple to Dive into the Education Program for Public Schools

Aug 24, 2015


With the start of a new school year, Apple is now focusing on their educational program.

Apple is now an active participant in White House’s ConnectED initiative. Apple has issued several grants regarding this to public schools. 114 public schools across 29 states are beefed up with Ipads, Macs, and Apple TVs. This is opening new doors and advancements for not only the private but also public schools.

Technology is the new era and with this ConnectED initiative, kids are closer to knowledge more than ever. They now don’t have to get their knowledge through analogue, as they have the possibility to learn in different forms via digital. With this in mind Apple has made it their goal to accelerate the learning process.

Kids now have the opportunity to think outside the box. Here is what the CEO of Apple had to say regarding their advancements. 

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