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How do you teach colors to a child in the 8 easy ways?

Jun 12, 2020

How to teach colors to a child

How to teach colors to a child

Life as we know it has changed beyond measure, it is hard in how teach colors to a child. In these trying times, parenting poses new challenges every day. In this state of national emergency, with parks and promenades being shut, how do you provide an outlet for all the energy that is bottling up in the kids? Well, we’ve got your back. Head over to the Skidos app to find a plethora of activities and learning for your kids that will help channel their energy.

The Coloring Book App by Skidos is here to games to teach colors to preschoolers and kindergarden. Here’s how.

1) Creativity  

Children interpret images differently. There’s a whole lot going on in their minds in terms of what a scenery is supposed to look like. The app is filled with all sorts of images and sceneries that will allow them to get creative in the world to teaching primary colours to preschoolers. The black and white image is an outlet that will unfold the child’s creativity.  Now teach colors to a child is not hard any more.

2) Environment Friendly 

Let’s face it. However much we enjoy drawing and coloring on paper, the traditional way, we have to admit that using all that paper isn’t doing much good for the environment. The app allows the children to enjoy the wonderful activity of coloring without using paper. Also, you can color the same image multiple times in different color combinations, something that a physical coloring book won’t allow.

3) Engaging 

In a blessing to parents, the app allows kids to be engaged in coloring activities for as long as they want. The app offers a multitude of pictures across categories like space, animal kingdom, nature, history, etc. The children can be engaged in a world of their own with their favorite planets, animals and objects. With paint brushes of all sizes and a vast range of colors, the child is bound to have the most enjoyable time.

4) Knowledge 

With so many categories available on the app, along with the fun element of coloring, there is another benefit that emerges as a by-product – the knowledge of what the child is coloring. When the child is so carefully coloring, he/she will also learn what it is that they are coloring. They will learn the names of animals, planets, plants, objects, etc. They will remember the names of what they have colored because they have put their hearts into the activity.

5) Focus 

Teach colors interactive games requires focus. There are borders that can’t be crossed and a discipline that needs to be maintained if the end result is to be pretty. The child will learn to be efficient and focused because every child wants their final product to be a masterpiece. Children enjoy taking their finished product to the family to earn a few praises and a pat on the back. It boosts their spirits and raises confidence.

6) Attention To Detail 

The child’s mind will remain sharp because the activity demands attention to detail. Kids will look at the picture, carefully pick a shade that is to be colored in a particular shape and repeat the process till the entire picture is colored. They will learn the difference between colors, the shades available within each primary color and decide what combination of colors make sense for every picture. This will build patience and creativity in the child.

7) Enhances The Senses 

This benefit is greatly appreciated by parents. Coloring allows the child to enhance their motor senses. There is coordination between hand and sight when it comes to coloring. The child is using his/her energy to see, think and apply. Activities like these helps keep the mind active by making use of different senses.

8) Curiosity  

The most beautiful thing in a child is the curiosity towards everything they come across in life. It’s no different when it comes to the activity of coloring. Curiosity leads to knowledge, understanding, growth and development in a child which is why parents mustn’t shun it but encourage it. Yes, it’s a lot of work for the parents too because they will have to deal with all sorts of questions about anything and everything that the child sees in the picture. But hey, isn’t that fun? Maybe, you will learn something in order to teach colors to a child!

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SKIDOS’s interactive learning games for kids are designed for 2 – 11-year-olds & are aligned with their academic objectives. With our educational games, guide your children to become confident learners in math, coding, & reading. Introduce them to 21st-century skills that will help them prepare for a brighter future. With easy-to-access weekly reports, you can keep an eye on their progress, too. 

With a SKIDOS Pass, you get the best value of:

  • 48+ Learning games 
  • 1000+ fun activities for your kids
  • 6 players in 1 account
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  • Learning Progress Tracking
  • And no third-party advertising