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Help your students through gamification

Sep 10, 2015


Gamification  has been one of the most effective learning methods for over 15 years now. Gamifying the learning experience increases learners’ levels of goal achievement, engagementinteractivity, and motivation. What more would any teacher ask for?

Here you have some ideas about how to use gamification with your students, let the game begin!

Improving an existing training program, by empowering proactivity.

 Promoting social interaction, by simulating the actual tasks they will perform in a safe virtual environment.

Mimicking real life challenges with increasing levels of difficulty, by introducing different challenges with increasing levels of difficulty.

Adding gamification elements to learning for those with various learning disabilities, in order to keep them motivated.

Using game-based simulations, to improve the general performance of the group.

Simulating reality in different/new environments, so the concepts become active and independent of the environment.

Allowing students to collect badges by completing certain tasks, so the achievement is more tangible.

Using game elements during lesson’s explanations, to avoid bored minds.

Enabling learning in a forgiving environment, which allows for risk-free mistakes.

Tapping into intrinsic motivation. Create an context and narrative, and then select the most appropriate game elements to create an immersive experience to take a player on a journey.

Resembling real-life situations and experiences The game has to contain the essential elements of gamification, including goal-setting, an instant feedback system, interactive competition, virtual rewards, and “leveling” up within a program or application.

Overcoming prejudices and accepting that traditional teaching needs to change. Play is important for learning. When children exploring the world, they literally kill themselves out of curiosity. If we destroy their natural curiosity, they will become unengaged and cynical. A traditional education system wastes a tremendous amount of human potential and it’s time we upgrade education system to the 21st.

Do you already use any of those ideas in your classroom?

Share your experiences with us!

By Ángela R.

Source:  e-learn Industry

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