Most parents often let it slide when their child throws tantrums or does something that would be considered wrong, saying that they’re just kids. As parents, we feel that we have all the time in the world to teach our kids right from wrong. However, that’s not true, the first two years of a child’s life are crucial when it comes to sowing the seeds of discipline and character. If you give in to everything they demand and don’t correct them when needed, they will eventually realize that screaming and crying is helping them get everything they want. And before you know it, disciplining them will be more a more trying task than you’d like it to be. Here are a few things to keep in mind while teaching your child right from wrong.
Point Out When They Are Right
That’s right, to teach kids right from wrong, instead of pointing out when they are wrong, highlight when they do something right. For example, when they share chocolate with you or help pick up something that’s fallen, you could always say, “Wow, that’s lovely. You’re such a good boy/girl”. Now they know that this behavior makes everyone happy, and they will try to replicate it as much as they can.
Practice What You Preach
In child development, right and wrong can be taught in several ways. Your words and actions are what your toddler is going to repeat. If you only keep telling them what to do and what not to do, they might take a little longer to get the message. But if you show and tell, they’ll grasp faster. Values like kindness, sharing, compassion, and humility need to begin with you.
Focus On Consequences
How do we learn the difference between right and wrong? Suppose your child grabs a toy from another child, you can use this episode to teach them right from wrong. Show your child that the other kid is now sad and angry. Ask them if they think it’s right for them to make someone else sad. Children feel guilt as much as adults, so this will automatically teach your child to be more careful of their actions.
Know When To Ignore Them
Sometimes, children act up on purpose only to grab your attention. You must know when to pay a deaf ear to this behavior. When does a child learn the difference between right and wrong? Sometimes, ignoring bad behavior can be an effective way of stopping it. As long as they are not doing something terrible or dangerous, you can ignore it. They will eventually learn that no one is paying attention and will most likely stop it.
Listen Carefully
Pay attention to why your child is doing something wrong. Maybe they are jealous, maybe they feel unheard, or maybe they are unaware that it’s wrong. Sit them down and explain in words that they will understand that what they are doing will get them in trouble. Understand their point of view and where the behavior is coming from. And don’t ever make them feel neglected – that’s one of the primary reasons for poor behavior.
These techniques, along with many others, can help you get your child on the right track from an early age. You’ll be amazed at how much a child’s mind is grasping as a toddler. Setting limits, engaging them in fun learning activities, and allowing them to learn a few things on their own can also help you teach kids right from wrong.
Celebrate Fun Learning With SKIDOS!
Teaching preschoolers the difference between right and wrong doesn’t have to be daunting. Add these social emotional activities to your kids’ daily routines. This will make the learning process enjoyable and effective. Remember to keep the tone fun, simple, and friendly. Watch as your child begins to develop a strong moral compass. This will guide them throughout their lives. Building a solid foundation for ethical decision-making is a priceless gift. Your little ones can embark on their journey of growth and development.
At SKIDOS, our learning games have incorporated social emotional activities for kids. Grab a SKIDOS Pass to get access to 40+ games that teach your kids important life skills for survival. Get access to 1000+ activities, 6 member profiles and more with just one pass!
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Happy teaching!