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How to teach kids number sense

Apr 19, 2021

 Everyone has had trouble with math when we were kids. The multiplication tables, division, subtraction- all these things felt so tricky for a child! But as we grew up we realized we use math in everything that we do. We have a quantitative sense because we were taught numbers when we were kids.

When the day comes & you have to take the baton & teach kids number sense, we want you to be fully prepared for it! Teaching the concepts of numbers to kids can be tricky but if you are able to convey the concepts clearly, anything can be taught. Let us look at these tips & tricks to help you become your child’s first math teacher:


Maths is everywhere!

 The first towards introducing your child to numbers is to get them to notice there is math in everyday life. From baking, shopping & even while watching TV, there are numbers involved with everything. Tell your kids to count everyday things to help them get a sense of quantity. For example, You can do so by telling them to count eggs in the fridge, or carrots on the shelf. Take a look at this blog for more help!

Maths Logic

Give them little tasks each day

 When you teach kids number sense, give them little tasks each day. Let them write numbers from 1-10. Get them to count till 20 & so on. Let kids make mistakes but show confidence in them & allow them second chances to correct themselves if they are wrong. This will help boos their confidence & make them better learners.

Math Games

Play fun math games with them

 Play with numbers in fun ways such as playing with dice. Playing games helps reduce stress & makes learning a fun task for you & your kids. You can also play cool math games & get your child to learn counting & basic mathematical operations like subtraction, division, multiplication, addition, etc. Fun activities such as these also serve as a bonding exercise for you & your child.

 You can also take help from these fun math videos to teach number sense to your toddlers!


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