The old-fashioned way is most times the best way. How can we forget the puzzles, storybooks, and picture books? Toddlers can have fun looking at pictures of animals in a book, coloring them, and pulling around an animal-shaped pull-along toy. As they get a little older, preschoolers can enjoy simple storybooks on the jungle, jigsaw puzzles, and drawing & sketching activities.
The animal kingdom is a beautiful and fascinating world for children, and you shouldn’t deprive them of it. Movies like Jungle Book, Bambi, The Lion King, etc are some classics that never go out of style when you’re wondering how to introduce wild animals to preschoolers. It’s much better than a visit to the zoo. Nowadays, zoos are looked down upon because the great majestic wild animals are taken away from their homes and kept in a cage. That’s not the ideal introduction to animals for kids. You can also teach your kids about animals by taking advantage of mobile apps for kids, nature walks, and any other creative ideas that come to mind.