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Grade 2 Math Vocabulary: Definition & Simple Explanation

Dec 7, 2020

Hereby, SKIDOS will introduce the list of Grade 2 Common Core Math Vocabulary Words with picture cards, simple definition and explanation for your kids to learn with joyful and excitement!

Grade 2 math vocabulary for Kids


What math skills should a 2nd grader or 7 year old know?


  1. Number and Number Sense
  2. Place Value
  3. Computation and Estimation
  4. Measurement
  5. Geometry
  6. Patterns, Functions, and Algebra


Number and Number Sense – math vocabulary for grade 2 

Number sense skills in the early years are a strong indicator of general math achievement.

Preschool educators have an important responsibility for building the basic math knowledge and skills a preschooler will need for future math learning.


Number Model of 2



Number Model of 9



Number Model of 14



Place Value

Round – Less Than – Greater Than – Equal To

How to teach “Round – Less Than – Greater Than – Equal To” to kids? This is actually a simpler and more efficient switch.

First, let’s clearly teach that symbols have names. If they forget which symbol it is, I want to point out that the smaller symbol forms the letter L. Writing “<ess” on the board helps.

Second, students should read the entire inequality, naming numbers and symbols from left to right, just like any sentence.

Then it’s a practice problem with reading inequalities aloud, for teachers, class members, and parents. How will they know if they’re reading it correctly? Numbers must be in the correct order (unlike 5 <10 read as “ten is greater than five”) and the number sentence must have meaning. “Five is greater than Ten” meant nothing and it realized that fewer errors gave it guiding power.


second Grade Math Vocabulary Math Signs

One of the best ways to memorize the greater than and less than signs is to imagine them as little alligators (or crocodiles), with the numbers on either side representing a number of fish.

The alligator always wants to eat the larger number of fish, so whatever number the mouth is open toward is the larger number.

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Even and Odd Numbers

Ten More and Ten Less

Ordinal Numbers



  1. Fraction: Half and Fourth
  2. Fraction: Thirds
  3. Fraction: Sixths
  4. Fraction: Eighths, Compare Unit Fractions, Number Line

How to teach fractions for Kids? Games serve more than one purpose. First, they make what could be a dry and boring topic for your students more fun and interesting. They also often provide that visual component that is especially helpful for some students. Here are  a couple of my favorites:



Computation and Estimation in grade 2 math vocabulary


  1. Addition
  2. Subtraction
  3. Equation: Number Sentence
  4. Regroup/Rename
  5. Estimate
  6. Related Facts

Work up to adding and subtracting larger numbers with the objects. Use new flashcards with additions on them. Put additions like “1 + 1” or “2 + 2” on the flashcards.

Then, use the addition cards and the objects with your child to take their skills to the next level.

But sometimes, gaming helps better because exploring colorful world in fun activities may give them a number sense as well, several of them are: addition games for kids

Additional cool math games for boys: addition game for boys



Measurement in grade 2 math vocabulary


  1. Penny
  2. Nickel
  3. Nickel = Five Pennies
  4. Dime
  5. Dime = Ten Pennies
  6. Quarter
  7. Quarter = Twenty-Five Pennies
  8. Dollar
  9. Ruler
  10. Pound
  11. Scale: Weight
  12. Clock: Time
  13. Calendar
  14. Thermometer

Try Money Song for Kids, these gave them more fun and memorable activities at the same time:


| >>> Find out more: Geometric shapes for Kids with Definition, Cute Illustrations!

  1. Geometry – Part of grade 2 math vocab for Kids
  1. Symmetry
  2. Plane Figures
  3. Square: Right Angle
  4. Triangle: Side and Vertex
  5. Rectangle: Right Angle
  6. Sphere
  7. Cube
  8. Rectangular Prism
  9. Probability and Statistics
  10. Table
  11. Bar Graph
  12. Pictograph

Patterns, Functions, and Algebra

What are Patterns, Functions, and Algebra in 2nd grade math vocabulary for Kids?

The goal of early math education should be to help children deepen and mathematize their understanding of patterns. They need not only to perceive the pattern on the dress but also to describe it in explicit terms.

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In the most general sense, children need to focus on the structures and rules that underlie overt surface phenomena (just as the linguist attempts to uncover the grammatical rules that underlie speech).

If children understand patterns in grade 2 math vocabulary, they will be able to describe them, reproduce them, extend them, fill in missing elements, and create new patterns.

Preschoolers can learn much more than a rote recitation of ABAB patterns, which is of limited importance in early math education.

  1. Pattern: Repeating and Growing
  2. Transferring a Repeating Pattern
  3. Transferring a Growing Pattern
  4. Equal
  5. Not Equal

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